Intro 🔗
(Important note: I’ve now migrated almost all of these to, and I will no longer be updating this blog post.)
I’ve been doing automation for a long time, initially as a means to an end for a part of my job, and now it’s my full-time job.
A few months ago, I really started to dive deep into the art of the possible with Siri Shortcuts, and I’ve created quite a few which have garnered the attention of a bunch of people, so I thought I’d centrally write everything up - why / how I use them, where to download them, how to set them up, etc - so I can just point people at this. 😊
I’m aiming to continually update this page as I develop and fine tune things.
Shortcuts App 🔗
Before diving into each set-up, it’s useful to know a few things:
Everything is configured in the app “Shortcuts” (installed by default, but link provided in case you’ve removed it).
To modify a shortcut: Open the app “Shortcuts”, tap the tab “Shortcuts”, and tap the 3 dots on the shortcut.
To set up an automation rule: Open the app “Shortcuts”, tap the tab “Automation”, and tap the plus icon in the top right.
Changelog 🔗
For all of these new additions, specific details of what’s changed are included inside the shortcuts’ comments at the top. I will include any major callouts below too.
2025/03/17: Migrated most shortcuts to
For “Ask ChatGPT”:
Added “Summarise YouTube Video”.
Updated to v21. Now with support for the Responses API and web_search_preview.
For “Resize With Fill”: Updated to v5.
For “OpenAI API”:
Updated “OpenAI: Transcribe” to v6.
For “Spotify”:
Updated “Spotify: Shazam“ to v3.
Updated “Spotify: Move Song To Top Of Playlist“ to v5.
Updated “Spotify: Quiz” to v7.
Updated “Spotify: Get Playlist ID” to v2.
For “Ask ChatGPT”: Updated to v17.1
For “Ask ChatGPT”:
Updated to v17 - another enormous overhaul. Most notably, usage of API function / tools calls so that it can search Google (not Bing).
Added “Google Search: API Auth v2”.
For “OpenAI API”: Updated “OpenAI: API Auth” to v6.
For “Spotify”:
Updated “Spotify: Shazam“ to v2.
Updated “Spotify: Quiz” to v6.
Updated “Spotify: API Auth” to v10.
For “Spotify”:
Added “Spotify: Shazam v1“.
Added “Spotify: Get Playlist ID v1“.
Updated “Spotify: Move Song To Top Of Playlist“ to v4.
Updated “Spotify: Quiz” to v5.
Updated “Spotify: API Auth” to v9.
For “Ask ChatGPT”, updated to v12 - an enormous overhaul. Most notably, direct usage of the ChatGPT API (and everything that that brings), rather than relying on the locally installed app.
For “OpenAI API”:
Updated “OpenAI: Transcribe” to v5.
Updated “OpenAI: API Auth” to v5.
For “Spotify”:
Updated “Spotify: Move Song To Top Of Playlist“ to v3.
Added “Spotify: Quiz”.
For “Ask ChatGPT”, updated to v9.
For “Generate Password”, updated to v6.
For “Generate Password”, updated to v4.
For “Spotify API”, updated “Spotify: API Auth” to v7.
For “Dropbox API”, updated “Dropbox: API Auth” to v4.
Added “Generate Password”.
For “Ask ChatGPT”, updated to v8 - a big overhaul.
For “OpenAI”, updated “OpenAI: API Auth” and “OpenAI: Transcribe” to v4.
Added “Cache iCloud Media”.
Added “Calculate Required Leave”.
For “Directions or Distance From Media“, updated to v3 with support for more than 2 locations.
Added “Resize With Blurred Fill”.
For “Action Button”, updated to v13.
For “Spotify API”, added additional permissions and refactored so that it’s generally more user-friendly (e.g., easier to obtain a new refresh token in this scenario).
For “OpenAI API”, “Spotify API”, and “Dropbox API”, refactored so that secrets are stored on the local file system, rather than within the iCloud-synced shortcut itself, which is more secure and makes the set-up process more user-friendly.
Added “OpenAI API”.
Added “Spotify API”.
Added “Set Media Location”.
Added “Directions or Distance From Media”.
Added “Get File Sizes”.
Added “Measure Performance”.
For “Dropbox API”, updated to support multiple file rename modes and a single, bulk API call.
For “Message ETA”, expanded to support multiple destinations.
For “Contextual VPN”, created shortcut which first ensures that the device isn't connected to the home Wi-Fi.
Added “Save To File”.
2024/12/14: For “Action Button”, fixed the initialisation of the variable for tracking the AirPods Pro’s noise control mode.
Action Button 🔗
Overview 🔗
I use this shortcut to make my iPhone’s Action Button contextual. As of writing, I have it do things such as:
If a certain app (e.g., Spotify or Dropbox) is open: Run the shortcut for that all (covered below).
If AirPods Pro are connected and set at the playback destination:
If in ANC mode: Enable transparency mode and pause media.
I find this super useful in situations like when I’m waiting in line at a coffee shop.If in transparency mode: Enable Active Noise Cancellation and play media.
If my iPhone is in a horizontal orientation: Open the video camera.
If it’s night time and a charger is connected: Enable sleep mode.
If my car’s Bluetooth is connected: Prompt to send a message with my ETA.
If none of the above: Run the default action (e.g., run my custom ChatGPT shortcut).
Set up 🔗
Install the app “Actions” and restart.
Install the shortcut from
In the app “Settings” → section “Action Button”, set the option “Shortcut” and then choose this one.
To support things like #1: Set up automation rules:
Type: “App”
Run: Immediately
App: “Dropbox”
When: “Is Opened”
Do: “New Blank Automation” → “Global Variable: Set Text” → “Set global text variable Open App to Dropbox”
Type: “App”
Run: Immediately
App: “Dropbox” and any others
When: “Is Closed”
Do: “New Blank Automation” → “Global Variable: Set Text” → “Set global text variable Open App to None”
To reverse #4 in the morning: Set up an automation rule:
Type: “Alarm”
Run: Immediately
When: “my wake-up alarm is stopped”
Do: “New Blank Automation” → “Set Focus” → “Turn Sleep Off”
Low Power Mode 🔗
Overview 🔗
This shortcut automatically enables Low Power Mode if the battery level falls below a certain percentage and you’re not at certain locations like home.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Modify the shortcut setting your Wi-Fi network names.
Set up an automation rule:
Type: “Battery Level”
Run: Immediately
When: “Falls Below <your preferred percentage>”
Do: This shortcut
OpenAI API 🔗
Overview 🔗
I’ve created a shortcut where you can do either of the following and then get a transcription from OpenAI’s very accurate Whisper model:
Share an audio file. This is super useful particularly now that voice messages are becoming more and more common here in the UK, and in that case it will even detect that, take the transcription, and re-open WhatsApp for you to send it to someone.
Record audio.
Set up 🔗
“OpenAI: API Error Handling v1”: Install from
“OpenAI: API Auth v6“:
Install from
Follow the instructions inside the shortcut.
“OpenAI: Transcribe v6“: Install from
Ask ChatGPT 🔗
Overview 🔗
With the release of iOS 18.2 and its Apple Intelligence, I thought that this had become redundant, but I’ve actually managed to make this better:
It uses OpenAI Whisper speech-to-text dictation which is significantly more accurate than Siri’s.
It works on iPhones older than the 15.
It uses the API directly which is significantly faster than the built-in shortcut action “Ask ChatGPT”.
It can use Google, rather than Bing.
It can take and use a screenshot too, but does so more reliably than Siri.
I implemented an option to always include a set of instructions in every prompt.
If / when other apps like Gemini publish actions in Shortcuts, you can effectively replace Siri and ChatGPT with this triggered by the Action Button.
Set up 🔗
“OpenAI: API Error Handling v1”: Install from
“OpenAI: API Auth v6“:
Install from
Follow the instructions inside the shortcut.
(Optional) “Google Search: API Auth v2”:
Install from
Follow the instructions inside the shortcut.
“OpenAI: Transcribe v6“: Install from
“OpenAI: Ask ChatGPT v21“:
Install from
Follow the instructions inside the shortcut.
I’ve also made shortcut “Summarise YouTube Video”, which uses the above. You can install from
Spotify 🔗
Overview 🔗
For a long time, I’ve wanted to be able to automate usage of Spotify, but they don’t publish any actions in Shortcuts. Over a year ago, I tried to figure out how to create a shortcut to leverage the API, but I just couldn’t crack it.
However, building on my success of implementing an OAuth flow for Dropbox (also included in this blog post), I finally managed to figure out this even more complicated process. (I hate OAuth.)
I’ve developed a few uses for this:
I use custom sorting in my playlists and play them from top to bottom, so when I add new songs to a playlist, it always bothers me that I have to tap edit, scroll to the bottom, drag each and every song to the top, and then tap save. So I created a shortcut to automatically move the song at the bottom of a playlist to the top, which I trigger via my app-tracking automation and action button shortcut.
I’ve managed to pipe Shazam into actions to add the song to my Liked Songs and playlists.
I’ve now replaced the default Shazam button with this on my lockscreen.I also made a rather advanced quiz just for fun!
Set up 🔗
“Spotify: API Auth v10“:
Install from
Follow the instructions inside the shortcut.
“Spotify: Get Playlist ID v2”: Install from
“Spotify: Move Song To Top Of Playlist v6“:
Install from
Follow the instructions inside the shortcut.
“Spotify: Shazam v3”:
Install from
Follow the instructions inside the shortcut.
“Spotify: Quiz v7”: Install from
Generate Passwords 🔗
Overview 🔗
I’ve used a ton of password generators in my time, but the best I’ve ever encountered is the memorable one inside 1Password’s apps for Windows, iPhone, iPad, etc, which is significantly different and better than their one at
Fairly often, I need to generate and use a password on someone else’s device, but I find it a bit of a nuisance having to pick my iPhone up, find 1Password, open it, unlock it, add a temporary new login, and reveal the password, so I wondered if I could re-create the functionality in a Shortcut that I can invoke by simply speaking to Siri. On the last point, you have to say the version number, otherwise it opens the Passwords app.
Set up 🔗
Install from
Message ETA 🔗
Overview 🔗
This shortcut automatically determines how long it’ll take to drive from where you are to the destination you choose and then sends that in a message to the recipients you specify for that destination.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Modify the shortcut setting your addresses and recipients.
Optional: Set up an automation rule like (the first step is for confirmation to prevent fully autonomous mode, as you won’t always want this to happen):
Type: “Bluetooth” or “CarPlay” or “NFC” (tags are super cheap - like 20p to 25p each)
Run: Immediately
When: “Is Connected” or “Connects” or tag is detected
Do: This shortcut
Resize With Fill 🔗
Overview 🔗
It still boggles my mind that Instagram - the defacto image-based social media platform - cannot handle a mix of vertical and horizontal images without cropping one type to fit the other. As a result, you have to resize them if you want them to look as good as they did originally (sort of - HDR is stripped very annoyingly).
For years, the only decent-ish app that I found to do this is Bulk Image Resizer, but it can only do one orientation at a time, granting access to additional images is fiddly, it needs exact resolution figures, it doesn’t support profiles for remembering settings, it has intrusive adverts, etc.
I wondered if I could solve all of these issues myself, and I have!
Set up 🔗
Install the app “Actions” and restart.
Install the shortcut from
Cache iCloud Media 🔗
Overview 🔗
Because I have more photos and videos that can physically fit on an iPhone, I use iCloud Photos in Optimise Storage mode, which means that it only keeps a low-quality version locally and downloads the full-quality version when you open it.
Fairly often, I’m with a group of people and want to show them some of my favourite photos and videos that I’ve ever taken, but I either have no signal (e.g., camping) or want to show so many that it’s impractical to wait for each item because the download is so slow.
For as long as I’ve been using this mode, I’ve wanted it to have an extra option that can keep favourited items or certain albums always cached locally. Then I wondered if I could use Shortcuts to do this…
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Set your filter preferences (e.g., only favourites, only certain albums, only the past 100 items, etc).
Optional: Set up an automation rule to run this regularly. I’ve confirmed that this does actually work, even when the device is locked and unused. However, there is a timeout period of ~25 minutes.
Type: “Time of Day“
When: Your schedule. I don’t yet know how often iCloud Photos in Optimise Storage mode deletes cached items.
Run: Immediately
“New Blank Automation”
Text action containing something like “Auto”.
“Run Shortcut” with the above shortcut chosen and the input set to the text field. The latter will ensure that it runs without any user input required.
Calculate Required Leave 🔗
Overview 🔗
I was talking to my partner about our plans for Christmas 2025 / New Year 2026 and realised that I was struggling to figure out how many days off work that would use up, so I made this calculator.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Set Media Location 🔗
Overview 🔗
Quite often, I’m at an event where I’ve taken a bunch of photos which all have the geolocation metadata, but then I get photos from the venue or from friends and family which don’t have the metadata which bothers me because then the map view is incomplete.
Historically, I’ve just manually used the Photos app’s “Adjust Location” feature, but it’s inexact and fiddly, so I created shortcut to take the exact coordinates from one photo or video and apply it to other media.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Directions or Distance From Media 🔗
Overview 🔗
Every now and again, I want to be able to get directions or as-the-crow-flies distance to my photo or video from my current location or another photo or video, so I created this.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Save To File 🔗
Overview 🔗
Every now and again, I need to save a piece of text from my iPhone or iPad to the Files app, but - bizarrely - you can’t create a new file in the Files app, so I created this to do so for me.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Wi-Fi QR Code 🔗
Overview 🔗
This shortcuts takes your Wi-Fi network name and password and generates a QR code for other devices to scan to easily join your Wi-Fi.
This is easily triggerable if, like me, you have an NFC tag stuck in a convenient place like the coffee table.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Modify the shortcut setting your Wi-Fi network name and password.
Optional: Set up an automation rule like:
Type: “NFC”
Run: Immediately
When: Tag is detected
Do: This shortcut
Toggle Hotspot 🔗
Overview 🔗
I often have to enable my iPhone’s hotspot to connect my laptop to it, so I’ve stuck an NFC tag to it which triggers this.
Set up 🔗
Set up an automation rule like:
Type: “NFC”
Run: Immediately
When: Tag is detected
Do: “New Blank Automation” → “Set Personal Hotspot” → “Toggle Personal Hotspot”
Nest Heating 🔗
Overview 🔗
I have some shortcuts and automations to verbally control my home’s Nest thermostat.
Set up 🔗
Install app “Thermo Watch“. This is needed because the official Nest app doesn’t publish actions for shortcuts. A bonus is that you can control your heating from your Apple Watch too!
Open the app “Thermo Watch“, sign into your Nest account, tap on the shortcuts icon on the left, and then add any automations you want. You can then say things like “Siri I’m cold” which will trigger the shortcut named “I’m cold” to run and turn the heating on.
Optional: Set up an automation rule like:
Type: “Time of Day”
Run: Immediately
When: Your personal schedule
Do: Run shortcut
Contextual VPN 🔗
Overview 🔗
I have certain apps that require a VPN connection. Mine is related to server administration, but yours might be your work Outlook or something. This set-up automatically connects and disconnects the VPN.
Set up 🔗
Install shortcut “Connect Home VPN” from
Set up automation rules:
Type: “App”
Run: Immediately
App: Your app
When: “Is Opened”
Do: Run Shortcut
Type: “App”
Run: Immediately
App: Your app
When: “Is Closed”
Do: “New Blank Automation” → “Set VPN” → “Disconnect from <name> VPN”
Dropbox API 🔗
Overview 🔗
(This is probably the most complicated Siri shortcut that I’ve ever made - OAuth flow, API calling, JSON parsing, error handling, etc. While this particular use case probably isn’t interesting to you, it may provide the framework for you to create your own use case.)
I have a few use cases where I need to make mass modifications to file names in Dropbox when on the go, so I created this shortcut to automate the process for me.
(Also, I tried to create one to permanently delete files, but I found that the API for doing so is restricted to business users. 😔)
Set up 🔗
“Dropbox: API Auth v4“.
Install the shortcut from
Follow the instructions inside the shortcut.
“Dropbox: Rename Files v11”: Install the shortcut from
Get File Sizes 🔗
Overview 🔗
I was recently on holiday and wondered whether my multitude of photos and videos were taking an age to upload because of the amount of data, so I create a shortcut so that I could find out their total and individual sizes.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Measure Performance 🔗
Overview 🔗
While I was working on the Dropbox and Get File Sizes shortcuts, I wondered if I’d be able to provide an estimate for how long they’d take to run, but to do that then I’d need to know how long they were taking to run with various amounts of data.
Initially, I was just using my Apple Watch’s stopwatch, but then I had the idea to create a shortcut that automates even that for me.
Set up 🔗
Install the shortcut from
Sign-off 🔗
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